

The piece is about having a dream that you are missing the sea, travelling from the city to the sea, and having a nighttime reverie where you can’t fall asleep.

The deep blue colour referred to as Azul Oltramarino in Italian is similar to the deep ocean. According to psychologists, painting a space a colour similar to oltramarino blue can reduce stress and calm the emotions. This effect is also significantly stronger compared to other blues. This colour soothes breathing, decreases blood pressure, relaxes the mood, and promotes rapid eye movement sleep. According to studies, sleeping in such a room speeds up the process. All the positive effects will vanish if you dislike or have a strong aversion to the colour blue, and the oltramarino will instead become irritating, frantic, and even anxious for you.

This piece is about Lerry‘s attachment to and connection to the sea and diving, which she misses. Long-term residents of a bustling city may grow weary of the activity and congestion; perhaps the sea can provide some solace. This piece captures the tangle of a dream that won't let go and the icy reality that slams into each other, from the initial transport that keeps turning and turning to the sea and diving fragments that start to appear in the mind and then to the calming sea, all interspersed with scenes from another world and the unsettling thought of going back to the city, until the dream wakes up and eventually returns to the original situation. The hope that the city will not awaken, and the fear that the sea and diving will only be a dream.

© Lerry Lai, all rights reserved.